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FREE Shipping Select Woom, Strider, Diamondback Bikes
What to look for in choosing an Electric Kids Bike?

What to look for in choosing an Electric Kids Bike?

Check out our latest guide on what to look for when choosing an E-Bike for your child? We summarize most of the frequently asked questions we have been helping since we carry Mondraker and Commencal electric bikes. 

E-bikes can be gamechangers for kids who ride in areas where climbing uphill is a must. They can enable your child to ride at the same pace as an adult would uphill without the towing, pushing, or grumbling you may hear if your child is riding an acoustic (non-electric) bike. The goal should always be to help instill a lifetime love of riding and typically subjecting a young one to long or steep arduous climbs is not the way to do that. Kids ebikes help them overcome some of these obstacles and get them out there having more fun for longer periods.

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